Meet the Cancer Care Team

Leading-Edge Cancer Care by a Team of Experts

The team of cancer specialists at Anna Jaques Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is committed to providing to the Anna Jaques community leading-edge cancer care, encompassing a full spectrum of diagnostic and treatment programs. Patients are cared for through a collaboration of experts at both institutions with extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Our team of highly trained caregivers includes board certified, highly skilled medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, technologists, support staff and other professionals dedicated to treating cancer patients. All our permanent nurses are certified in oncology, and nurses in our chemotherapy infusion room are also certified in oncology. Most of our volunteers are retired nurses, too.

Tumor Board Conferences

The Tumor Board brings together a multidisciplinary group of physicians who review individual cancer cases in detail. This ensures that cancer patients have access to the best current thinking about cancer management and latest treatment options available. Oncology specialists from BIDMC join the Cancer Center's bi-weekly Tumor Board conferences via secure teleconferencing technology. They participate in the diagnosis and treatment planning of every patient.

Oncology Leadership

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Jonathan Eneman, MD Medical Director of Anna Jaques Cancer Center Affiliated with BIDMC Hematology/Oncology, Medical Oncology
Peter Hartmann, MD, FACS
Peter Hartmann, MD, FACS Medical Director Breast Surgery
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Meghan Hession, DNP Oncology

BIDMC Partners

Nadine Tung, MD
Nadine Tung, MD Director, Cancer Genetics and Prevention Program, Cancer Center at BIDMC Medical Oncology
Marc Garnick, MD
Marc Garnick, MD Director of Community Cancer Services at BIDMC Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology

Cancer Care

Our cancer care specialists provide effective treatment for many types of cancer.