
Viewing your body’s internal structures

X-ray at Anna Jaques Hospital

X-rays have a long track record in medical imaging. Despite the many imaging options available today, they remain one of the most used and helpful radiology tools. They provide your doctors with a simple way to see inside your body. This may help you get a quick diagnosis and treatment.

At Anna Jaques Hospital, getting X-rays is easy. We offer several convenient locations and weekend hours. Walk-in appointments are available, as well. Maybe you develop a nagging cough and your doctor orders a chest X-ray to see if you have pneumonia. Or perhaps you require a knee X-ray after an injury on the basketball court.

Whatever your needs, we’re here for you. You’ll find high-quality X-ray technology and caring imaging specialists at Anna Jaques.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does an X-ray work?

X-rays are a form of radiation. A machine sends the rays through your body, and they are picked up by a special detector or film on the other side. X-rays have the easiest time passing through soft tissues, such as muscle and fat. So those parts of the body will appear in shades of gray. Bones are denser than soft tissue. As a result, it’s more difficult for the X-rays to pass through them. So, bones appear white in images.

We use X-ray technology to provide both still images and real-time images that are like an X-ray movie (fluoroscopy). In some cases, we give you contrast material to improve image quality. Because your health and safety are our top priorities, we always use the lowest dose of radiation needed.

Why are X-rays performed?

We perform X-rays for many different reasons. For example, these imaging tests may help your doctor:

  • Detect certain medical conditions
  • Diagnose bone fractures
  • Find foreign objects in your body
  • Identify infections
  • Locate blockages in your body

Diagnostic X-rays may help us determine the cause of symptoms you’re having. But we also use X-rays to monitor disease progression and to see if certain treatments are working.

How do I prepare for an X-ray?

In many cases, X-rays require little or no special preparation. Depending on the type of X-ray you’re having, we may ask you to remove jewelry or change into a hospital gown. Be sure to inform the technologist doing your X-ray if there’s any chance you might be pregnant.

If your X-ray requires preparation, we’ll give you instructions and make sure you understand them.

What should I expect during my X-ray?

Before your X-ray, we position you near the X-ray machine. Depending on the type of exam you’re having, you may be lying down, sitting or standing. We may cover body parts not being studied with a special apron or shield. This helps prevent unnecessary radiation exposure to those body parts. If you’re receiving contrast material, we’ll guide you through that process.

The specialist performing your X-ray will step away and activate the X-ray machine. It’s important that you stay very still. You may be asked to briefly hold your breath. In some cases, we need multiple views. If so, we reposition you as needed.

When will I receive my X-ray results?

One of our radiologists will interpret your X-rays and send a report to your doctor, who will get the results to you. They may be available through our patient portal. Overall, this process may take several days.

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Feel free to call us if you have any questions.