Texting Terms & Conditions

Mobile Access to Care Information

Beth Israel Lahey Health, Inc. ("BILH") and its affiliates are committed to providing extraordinary care, where the patient comes first. To accomplish this mission, BILH affiliates may provide certain information about your care directly to your cellular phone via text message and collect certain information via chat (collectively, the "BILH text system"). Information gathered in the BILH text system will not be shared for marketing purposes.

Enrollment in the BILH text system requires you to provide your own mobile phone number. By enrolling to participate in the BILH text system, you expressly consent to receive text messages from BILH and its affiliates ("BILH text messages") as further described below and you agree to these Terms and Conditions (this "Agreement"), which become effective upon your enrollment. Please review this "Agreement" carefully for important information about the BILH text system.

BILH affiliates operate the BILH text system via recurring SMS (Short Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Message Service), and chatbots. You acknowledge that (i) the BILH text system may include limited personal information about your care at BILH affiliates, and (ii) like all SMS and MMS messages, the BILH text system may not be secure and whoever has access to the mobile phone or carrier account will also be able to see the information contained in BILH text system communications. For more information about how BILH and its affiliates protect your privacy you may review each affiliate's Notice of Privacy Practices on the affiliate's website.

You may be asked to verify your mobile phone number before the service will start. This requires responding to a text alert sent to your mobile phone confirming your enrollment in this Service. Once you enroll, the frequency of communications you receive from the BILH text system will vary depending on your appointment schedule and healthcare needs. Information you might receive via the BILH text system includes, but is not limited to:

  • Appointment reminders
  • Billing reminders
  • Prescription reminders
  • One-time passcode
  • Management of telehealth appointments
  • Instructions in advance of an inpatient procedure, both before and after you have been admitted
  • Instructions in advance of an outpatient appointment or procedure
  • Instructions for follow-up care after an inpatient procedure, both before and after you have been discharged
  • Requests to complete electronic forms related to your care
  • Instructions for follow-up care after an outpatient procedure
  • Notification regarding the availability of laboratory tests or other tests ordered by your physician
  • Requests for feedback about the care you received
  • Other information regarding your care

Neither BILH nor any BILH affiliate imposes a separate charge for text alerts; however, your mobile carrier's message and data rates may apply depending on the terms and conditions of your mobile phone contract. You are solely responsible for all message and data charges that you incur. Please contact your mobile service provider about such charges.

The BILH text system uses different numbers to send different types of messages. Certain numbers may send more than one type of message. For example, one number may send messages containing instructions for follow-up care after an outpatient procedure and requests for feedback about the care you received, while messages containing appointment reminders may come from a different number.

You may opt-out of communications from each number you receive messages from at any time. To stop receiving text communications from a particular number, text STOP in response to any BILH text message. After you submit a request to unsubscribe from communications from a particular number, you will receive an additional text message from the same number confirming that you will no longer receive text messages from that number. No additional text alerts will be sent to you from that number unless you re-activate your enrollment. To opt-out of BILH text messages from a different number, you will need to separately opt-out. You may also text HELP for assistance.

The BILH text system is offered on an "as is" basis and: (1) may not be available in all areas at all times; and (2) may not continue to work in the event of product, software, coverage or other service changes made by your wireless carrier. BILH or its affiliates may change or discontinue any of its text system programs without notice or liability to you. BILH and its affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors and employees are not responsible and shall not be liable for any losses or injuries of any kind resulting, directly or indirectly, from or in connection with your participation in the BILH text system or from technical failures or delays of any kind. BILH and its affiliates reserve the right to cease delivery of text messages to any person at any time in its sole discretion.

Contact Information

Beth Israel Lahey Health, Inc.
109 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02215