Affiliates & Community Partners

Affiliates and Community Partners

In July 2017, Beth Israel Deaconess system, Lahey Health, New England Baptist Hospital, Mount Auburn Hospital and Anna Jaques Hospital agreed to create a new high-quality, lower cost regional health system committed to delivering extraordinary care to patients throughout Eastern Massachusetts.

Part of the Beth Israel Lahey Health System

On March 1, 2019, Anna Jaques officially became part of Beth Israel Lahey Health, a health care system that brings together academic medical centers and teaching hospitals, community and specialty hospitals, more than 4,000 physicians and 35,000 employees in a shared mission to expand access to great care and advance the science and practice of medicine through groundbreaking research and education.

Anna Jaques Hospital is proud to be clinically affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a Boston academic medical center and major teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. 

A Collaboration of Care

The collaboration between the institutions and physicians means patients can more often be seen in their own community when clinically appropriate, but with coordinated access to complex care in Boston. More efficient integration of services between Anna Jaques and BIDMC also means that duplicative treatments and testing will be reduced. If a patient needs to go to BIDMC for tertiary care, the affiliation enables the patient to return to the community for care as quickly as possible.

BIDMC and AJH share a relationship in multiple clinical areas, giving patients easy access to BIDMC's Harvard-affiliated teaching hospital specialists. These areas include:

Anna Jaques Cancer Center

Since opening its doors in February of 2015, the Anna Jaques Cancer Center affiliated with BIDMC has continued to raise the bar of comprehensive cancer care offered to patients locally. Together, the two institutions offer a full array of community-based cancer services in Newburyport and when needed, advanced treatment options and specialists at BIDMC in Boston. The program offers a committed team that works together to diagnose and direct the treatment of all types of cancers. Patients no longer have to travel to Boston to have world-class cancer specialists on their care team.

Emergency Department Transfers

The coordination between Emergency Departments at Anna Jaques and BIDMC enabling seamless transfers to BIDMC for trauma and other clinical conditions that require tertiary care. Before a transfer our emergency physicians speak to a BIDMC emergency physician to discuss the patient’s condition, emergency treatment, and the best method of transfer (ground ambulance or MedFlight air transport). BIDMC accepts virtually all patients from AJH with no delay in the transfer, which is not universally the case at Boston teaching hospitals. Anna Jaques physicians are able to stay apprised of their patient’s condition and progress through communication with BIDMC physicians and access to their patients’ data via electronic medical records.

High Risk Pregnancy

Expectant mothers who need advanced care for high-risk pregnancies can now receive that care at Anna Jaques, rather than having to travel into Boston. A BIDMC Maternal and Fetal Medicine specialist comes to Anna Jaques three times a month to provide high risk pregnancy care to the patients of Women’s Health Care.


BIDMC provides our Emergency Department (ED) physicians with around the clock access to board certified neurologists, particularly with an emphasis on stroke patients. When patients at Anna Jaques are suffering stroke-like symptoms, AJH Emergency Department physicians and the neurologists at BIDMC talk to one another face-to-face over a high-speed internet connection and “Skype-like” video technology to examine the patient together and discuss the best course of treatment. It is particularly helpful in the time-sensitive decision of whether or not a patient with stroke symptoms should be given the clot-dissolving medication tPA. Access to 24/7 tele-stroke care is helping us improve outcomes for patients and save lives.

Thoracic Clinic

The Thoracic Clinic at Anna Jaques Cancer Center, affiliated with BIDMC, brings BIDMC specialists to the AJH campus to treat diseases that affect the organs in the chest – including the lungs, esophagus and heart. This clinic delivers the advanced care you’d expect from a major Boston teaching hospital, with a convenient, personalized approach right here in your community - the best of both worlds.

Community Partnerships

In 1883, Miss Anna Jaques sought the advice of her family physician, Dr. F. A. Howe, on how best to use her money to benefit the community. He told her that the community needed a hospital and in 1884, Anna Jaques Hospital opened its doors.

What started with Miss Anna Jaques and rings true to this day - community support and philanthropy enables our hospital to be here and in turn care for it. Anna Jaques is deeply invested in advancing the health and well being of our local communities - not just in the care we provide, but through the support, participation and resources we share.

Community Partners

  • Amesbury Chamber of Commerce
  • American Heart Association
  • Amesbury Council on Aging
  • The Arc of Greater Haverhill-Newburyport
  • Atria
  • Avita
  • The BEACON Coalition
  • Coastal Trails Coalition
  • Country Center for Health and Rehabilitation
  • Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley/Home Health VNA
  • Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce
  • Greater Newburyport Chamber of Commerce
  • Greater Newburyport Ovarian Cancer Awareness – Ovations for the Cure
  • Hampton Chamber of Commerce
  • Health Partnership of the Lower Merrimack Valley and Seacoast Region
  • Insight Meditation Center
  • Institution for Savings
  • Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center
  • Link House
  • Lock Your Meds Campaign
  • Merrimac Senior Center & Council on Aging
  • Merrimack Valley Hospice - Home Health Foundation
  • Newburyport Council on Aging
  • Newburyport Farmers’ Market
  • Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank
  • Newburyport Lions Club
  • Newburyport Public Schools
  • Newburyport Rotary Club
  • Newburyport Yankee Homecoming
  • Newburyport Youth Soccer Organization
  • Newburyport Youth Services
  • Newburyport Rotary Club
  • Newburyport Council on Aging
  • Newburyport Society for the Relief of Aged Women
  • Northern Essex Community College
  • Opportunity Works
  • The Pettengill House
  • The Provident Bank
  • Salisbury Chamber of Commerce
  • Salisbury Beach Partnership, Inc.
  • Salisbury Parks & Recreation Department
  • Salisbury Senior Center & Council on Aging
  • Sea Festival of Trees
  • Tough Warrior Princesses
  • WNBP Radio – The Legends
  • Yankee Homecoming
  • YWCA of Newburyport
  • YWCA of Greater Haverhill/Lawrence