Anesthesiologist in an operating room


Expert care to keep you safe and comfortable

Anesthesiology at Anna Jaques Hospital

Anesthesia helps keep you safe and comfortable during certain medical procedures. Our dedicated anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists work together as a team to ensure your comfort and safety during surgery at Anna Jaques. Our team has received specialized training to deliver quality care during the perioperative period (before and during your procedure).

What is the Role of Anesthesiologists?

An anesthesiologist’s primary role in the operating room is to ensure that you are safe and comfortable during your procedure. They monitor your body’s vital functions and make informed decisions to protect you from harm. This includes supporting critical life functions such as breathing, heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure and oxygen level.

Types of Anesthesia

There are several types of anesthesia, including general, regional, monitored anesthesia care/IV sedation, and local anesthesia. The anesthesia team and your surgeon will work with you to determine the best type of anesthesia for you.

Patient Safety

Surgery and anesthesia are safer than ever. This is due to several factors including advances in minimally invasive surgical techniques, continued technological and pharmacological advances in anesthesia, and more use of regional anesthesia and opioid sparing options for pain control.

You can help the anesthesia team keep you safe by ensuring that we are aware of your health history and medications before we administer anesthesia.

Prior to Surgery

Surgery and anesthesia affect your entire body. It is important for your team to know as much as possible about your health history. Provide them with a complete list of your prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, diet pills, herbs and other dietary supplements. These may alter your body chemistry or impair the normal functioning of major organ systems.

If you’re generally healthy and preparing for a minor procedure, we’ll gather information in a preliminary telephone interview. An anesthesiologist will perform a final preoperative assessment on the day of your surgery. However, there’s another step if you have serious medical issues, are having major surgery or have had significant problems with anesthesia in the past. In these situations, you may need to be evaluated by one or more specialists to make sure you are optimized for surgery. We may occasionally request an in person visit with one of our anesthesiologists as well. At this time, we’ll review your health history and medications, perform a brief examination and discuss your options for anesthesia.

You’ll be given instructions concerning your intake of food, drink and medications before surgery. It is important to carefully follow these instructions. If you fail to do so, we may have to delay or cancel your surgery because it may jeopardize your safety during the procedure.

Fasting Times Prior to Anesthesia

Fasting times prior to anesthesia are usually as follows:

  • 2 hours for clear liquids
  • 4 hours for human milk
  • 6-8 hours for non human milk, dry toast, crackers
  • 8 hours for most other solid foods

Administering Anesthesia to Children

We know surgery can be scary for anyone, especially children and their caregivers. During surgery, a board-certified anesthesiologist and a certified registered nurse anesthetist who are both experienced in pediatric anesthesia will care for your child. The anesthesiologist will meet with you on the day of your child’s surgery. This is an opportunity to discuss the anesthetic plan, voice concerns, and ask questions about your child’s care during the procedure. You may also ask if it may be beneficial for you to be in the operating room as your child goes off to sleep. The anesthesia team will care for your child continually to ensure their safety and comfort throughout the experience.  

If you have any questions that are not answered here, please call 978-463-1241 or 978-463-1356 and ask to speak with the anesthesiologist on call.

Learn more about anesthesiology at the American Society of Anesthesiologists website.

Services & Specialties

Our anesthesiologists support a range of providers at Anna Jaques Hospital. By working closely with your doctor, we ensure you’re safe and supported while receiving care.

Meet Our Anesthesiologists

BILH Headshot Avatar
Mark Kats, MD Anesthesiology
Julie Selbst, MD
Julie Selbst, MD Anesthesiology