Anna Jaques Aid Association

About the AJH Aid Association

Founded in 1888, the Anna Jaques Hospital Aid Association (AJH Aid Association) raises funds in support of Anna Jaques Hospital's mission to provide the highest quality medical care and improve the health of our community in alliance with our medical staff.

For close to 150 years, members of the AJH Aid Association have worked tirelessly to implement events and programs that to raise millions of dollars for mission critical needs.

Now made up of over 200 generous and energetic volunteers, the Aid Association’s annual events is where local businesses, philanthropists, community leaders and hospital supporters can gather in support of Anna Jaques.

AJH Aid Association Events

  • AJH gift shop
  • Art display and sales program
  • Bake sales and plant sales
  • Great Chefs’ Night
  • Holiday arts & craft fair
  • Holiday tree of light
  • Local holiday house tours
  • Seaside Soirée
  • Thanksgiving pie sale

Visit the AJH Aid Association events and programs page for the latest schedule.